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Publisher's Note

To be or not to be is a popular phrase in 'Nunnery scene' of William Shakespeare's play - Hamlet, in which the strong-willed Prince Hamlet contemplates the ultimate sacrifice – death, and yet awaits Ophelia, the love of his life. What a paradox!

Nigeria Agriculture Digest, an authoritative news magazine, always on trail of developments in Nigeria's Agriculture sector observed keenly the last administration's labours to effect changes in key areas via application of policy experiments genuinely aimed at achieving results to better the lives of the citizenry. Undoubtedly too, the diligent conception of programmes and continuous heat generated around such platforms and many more of such activities give credence to our positive perception of those efforts. The list includes Growth Enhancement Support (GES), Staple Crops Processing Zones (SCPZ), Commodity Marketing and Trade Corporations (CMTC), Agribusiness Development Initiatives and Commodity Value Chain (CVC) among others.

Agricultural Policy at Crossroads - Which way for Nigeria? (Jan., 2016)

  • Edition: Vol. 7 No. 1, January - March 2016

    ISSN: 2141-8691

    Publisher: FIF

    President/ Editor-in-Chief: Prof. G.B. Ayoola

    Managing Editor: Segun Ayeoyenikan

    Editor: Lucky Otaru

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