Publisher's Note
During the months of March and April of 2015, the political terrain of Nigeria featured a major change following the successful conduct of scheduled general elections, culminating in exchange of the baton of power for the fulling Peaples Democratic Party to the opposition All Progressives Congress, after a decade and a half into an enduring Second Republic. While the euphoria of the electioral victory is yet to whittle down, the critial message sinks deep, that is, change is a recuriring decimal and a deterministic constrant in the politial equation of any country insofar the people's interests hold sway. Ironically, the erstwhile opposition party that is now in power had premised its election campaign on the pillar of change, which like a virus, infected the population to influence the pattern of voting in its favour. So the next challenge is not how to win the election anymore, but now how to mange the change that comes with it. Unless the change is properly managed to the benefit of individuals sectors of the economy, the victory won may soon be lost, and trouble might not be worth it in the end.
As Nigerians Vote for Political Change (April, 2015)
Edition: Vol. 6 No. 2, April - June 2015
ISSN: 2141-8691
Publisher: FIF
President/ Editor-in-Chief: Prof. G.B. Ayoola
Managing Editor: Segun Ayeoyenikan
Editor: Lucky Otaru